About Metals
Metals still are the most important ingredients for technology - even in the 21st century. The world of raw-materials is the starting point of the entire industrial production. Without metals as base materials, the modern world would not exist. About 30 pct of all chemical elements are categorized as metals. However, there is a fluent transition between metals and non-metals. A metal is caracterized by a high electrical and thermal conductivity as well by a good ductility and a metallic gloss.
There are different classifications used for metals: light and heavy metals, precious and non-precious metals, or considering the extend of its use, as base / industrial metals. The latter group includes f. e. Copper, Aluminium, Tin, Zinc, Lead, Nickel, Chromium and Iron. Furthermore, one can divide metals into primary- and secondary-metals, the former of which is produced by the refinery of ores, the latter by the recycling of srap.
Pricing mechanisms for metals and industrial raw-materials often are implemented by direct communication and negotiation between market-participants - but also by prices stipulated by producers, or by means of the mechanisms and rules of a metal-echange.
The probably best known and oldest market-place in this respect is the LME (London Metal Echange), but also those places located in the USA or in the Far-East play an important role.